– LANTERN – Model MH Stainless Frame 28 x 28 x H: 54cm.


Beautiful large Stainless -Steel lantern size 28 x 28 x H: 54cm with a fully Stainless-Steel frame, a metal firebox with a metal roof for enhanced safety.

Model of Lantern Available in 3 size  H: 54, H: 35 & H: 25cm.

Perfect for outdoor use in all weather.

Beautiful large Stainless -Steel lantern size 28 x 28 x H: 54cm with a fully Stainless-Steel frame, a metal firebox with a metal roof for enhanced safety.

The side panels are made of glass. Inside the firebox, you can place a candle, a small taper, or even a battery-powered light to ensure 100% safety.

A ring is located at the top, allowing you to carry or hang the lantern as desired.

Perfect for Outdoor use.

Model of Lantern Available in 3 size  H: 54, H: 35 & H: 25cm.


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